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Municipal Court

The Municipal Court is responsible for administering the litigation of Class C Misdemeanor charges brought against persons issued citations within the city limits of Pelican Bay and the collection of fines assessed. They maintain all records of the court, set trial dockets, collect fines and fees, prepare warrants of arrest, and issue subpoenas.

The mission of this court is to provide a friendly environment responding to the needs of all persons who come in contact with the Pelican Bay Municipal Court and maintain effective, accurate records while striving to earn a high degree of public confidence.

The court and all support personnel shall provide equal and impartial justice under the law and process each case efficiently, without delay or unnecessary expense. In addition to providing fair and equal access to all citizens, we will strive to facilitate the timely disposition of cases with prompt and courteous service.

Citations may be paid in person with:

  • Cash
  • Money Order
  • Cashier’s Check
  • MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover (service fees apply*)

Pay My Citation Online using MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover (service fees apply*).

*A 2.65% or $3.00 minimum service fee will be charged by the payment processing company.


Municipal Court Staff

Municipal Court Judge – Judge James Wilson
City Prosecutor – Craig Magnuson
Court Clerks – Dorrie Mayfield
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